“When I finished my Life Coaching work with Barbara I realized that all those months of work became the basis for the imminent changes demanded by reality.What at first was ‘just’ a review work of my professional career, became a revolution of concepts, reevaluation of premises and, finally, a rational view to the relevant aspects of my individuality.To reach success – and being happy is part of it – it is necessary to indentify our favorable attributes, the points where we can improve, and therefore open possibilities. This was one of the main lines developed during the work with Barbara, who efficiently succeed to help me to become aware of my, until then unexplored, new perspectives. Nowadays, I give my academic degree and experience a better use in order to carry out activities that are more pleasant and provide a financial backing that meets my needs.I would also like to highlight the book and movie references: Barbara is concerned about suggesting anything that may contribute to the process. Without being exaggerated, I consider this experience as a happy exchange with someone that inspired me, by her personal story, her erudition and her professional qualifications. I recommend her excellent work!”
Juliana Marinelli Uchida
University Teacher
“I met Barbara 10 years ago, when I was a supervisor at a multinational automotive company that produces engines in Paraná. I came from Bahia and it was a big challenge to settle in a foreign capital company to introduce a Japanese business management system, the Toyota Production System, in a company with two-culture management (Chrysler and BMW AG) and Brazilian professionals with not much experience on this task. I don’t believe it was easy for Barbara, as an HR manager, to harmonize all these cultures to ensure the sustainability of the business. It was at this point that she started an informal coaching process with me. This work demands a trustworthy relationship between the client and the coach, who works as confidant, mentor, teacher and, above all, a mediator between your dreams and desires and your reality. I consider Barbara a key person on my development. She taught me how to realize where I was, how far I wanted to go and, most important, what I had to do to reach the end of this journey. I’ve worked in 3 countries, 3 departments and 12 different areas of the automotive industry on over the last 10 years, always keeping a balance on the professional side and as well as on the family side. That multinational company at the beginning of this testimony became the benchmark in all automotive industry indicators, including Toyota. Barbara is definitely a person I admire and in whose work I trust. Nowadays I live in the United States, I miss our talks, but I keep following her coaching. I recommend her.”
Yuri Rodrigues
Executive Director of Quality
Lennox International – Refrigeration Division North America
“I approached Barbara as a professional in 2009, looking for a reflection about my profession. After 16 years in the same institution, I felt the need of change, but I didn’t want to act by intuition, involved only by the emotional side. When I started working with Barbara, I didn’t have a clue about the depth and wideness of this reflection. My professional life was in focus, but my emotional necessities emerged contributing to a personal review. Today, I feel more mature to make a decision of redirection in my professional life. I keep ‘strengthening my muscles’ as Barbara used to say. Investing on this seek is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Barbara, today, more than a professional that helped me think, is a person whom I really care about and I’m grateful to.”
Cecília Valente de Gouvêa
Education Professional and Social Projects Enthusiast
“I’m happy with Barbara’s initiative of undertaking her own business and making her personal and professional background available to people’s development. Barbara is one of the people with highest learning ability, determination, ethics and technical competence altogether that I know of. This is the result of years of study and experience in several companies, where she faced challenges with those she could learn and develop unique competences that now she makes available as services to individuals or organizations. Enjoy it, the source is precious.”
João Roberto de P. Domingues
Associate Director of Aguinaldo Neri Consultoria em Recursos Humanos (H.R. Consulting)