About Us

Óctuplos means multiples of eight. In Oriental tradition, óctuplo (Octuple) is also called “Path of the Medium”, the noble path of truth, where we can be freed from illusions we have about us and about the world… Óctuplos Desenvolvimento Humano (Óctuplos Human Development) is a company that focuses on the development of people, because we believe in the possibility of human transformation. Our goal is to walk, along with each one, down their own path of truth, for a better world for all. Óctuplos is born with the purpose of “lapidating this diamond”, so that all the nobility of each one is reflected through their life driving force and ethical contributions.

Barbara Palmero

Barbara Palmero

Barbara Palmero is a psychologist, CRP 06/28988, who graduated from PUCCAMP, with a Business MBA by Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) and Psychoanalysis studies by Centro de Psicanálise de Campinas (CPCAMP).
Barbara has worked for over 20 years with Human Resources in companies such as Pirelli Pneus S.A., DuPont do Brasil S.A., Tritec Motors Ltda., and Sadia S.A. As a businesswoman, she has focused her work in obtaining solid results through the ability to organize and align people and processes to business strategies.
Today she is a Coach with international study background in Integrated Coaching, authorized by the Integrated Coach Institute (ICI), with credentials from the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also qualified by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and certified by the Hogan Assessment Systems.


  • Psicologia (PUCCAMP)
  • Psicanálise (Centro de Psicanálise de Campinas – CPCAMP)
  • MBA Empresarial (Fundação Dom Cabral – FDC)
  • Habilitação Integrated Coaching Institute – ICI
  • Credênciada ao International Coach Federation – ICF
  • Qualificação Myers Briggs Type Indicator – MBTI
  • Certificação Hogan Assessment System – HOGAN

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